CRYPTO FX-TRADE  is an online trading platform that enables customers to trade a variety of financial instruments and assets such as Binary Options, Stocks, Forex and of course Cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2013 and operated by IQ Option Ltd, the site has quickly became one of fastest growing online trading platforms and claims to have over 21 million account holders from around the world. CRYPTO FX-TRADE is also based in Cyprus and regulated in the EU by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec), the company is fully compliant with the legislation put forward by the commission and fully authorized to sell their products to clients in a number of jurisdictions.

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By CryptofxTrade

This is CRYPTO FX-TRADES website created by CryptofxTrade. CRYPTO FX-TRADES falls in CURRENCY TRADING line of...


By CryptofxTrade

Bitcoin (BTC) is known as the first open-source, peer-to-peer, digital cryptocurrency that was developed and released by a group of unknown independ...

Processing Withdrawal Requests

By CryptofxTrade

Processing Withdrawal Requests In 2016, we switched to instant withdrawals, which made it possible to process 68% of withdrawal requests immediately...


By CryptofxTrade

PAYMENT OPTIONS We provide various withdrawal methods. STRONG SECURITY With advanced security systems, we keep your account always protected. WO...

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